‘Twas the day before Christmas and all ‘cross the pond
the bass were hittin’ on top with jaws yawned.
The stockings were hung in the boat just in case
more than good luck came from the north at a pace.
The family was home to wrap and to cook
while I to the water with a rod for to look.
While Grandpa reclined to watch footballs fly,
I pondered the question, “A wet or a dry?”
The kids came to play by the water with joy
and to scare the fish with loud happy noise.
“Come in and help wrap!” came the call from the door.
“Just one more cast.” I replied up the shore.
I enjoyed the tug then told a great tale
to all of the family, ‘bout fighting a whale.
From our pond to yours we send out this wish
Merry Christmas to you. And maybe a fish.